The Mini
- 20 minute session
- Location is set by Casey
- Online gallery with 10 digital download images
- 6 people maximum
- Options to purchase more images- see booking page for details.
The Full
- 40-60 minute session for up to 6 people
- Location of your choice
- Online gallery with 25 download images
- Options to purchase more images- see booking page for details.
-Groups over 6 people- $15/person sitting fee
Newborn Lifestyle $500
- 1-2 hour session
- Online gallery with 25 digital images for download
- Option to purchase more images
Lifestyle newborn sessions are a relaxed peek into your family's life at home as you cuddle up with your new baby. This style of photography captures the real settings and events of life. Babies are posed in a natural way, swaddled or undressed. Siblings and pets are always welcome!
If you are booking for this session please select the closest date to your due date for booking. Once baby is here and has settled in at home or hospital, we will finalize the date and time.
This session takes place either in the clients home, preferable in the nursery, master bedroom, living room, or can be taken at the hospital.
Package Add-ons
Entire digital download gallery (70+ photos) $150
Milestone Packages
View the description under the booking tab for more information.
Milestone Package:
Newborn session and (3) 1 hour sessions.
Example of use:
1 hour maternity session
1 newborn session
1 six month session
1 year session
*sessions can be customized to fit your family best
Package includes 5 hours of photography.
Package includes digital rights and downloads for all images in the galleries. This is a $600 value.
Itemized pricing is explained on under the Book Online tab.
This package is a huge savings on your baby's first year of photos.